Today is the official launch of The Final Outbreak, an Apocalyptic Thriller.

Coming in at 820 pages of reading or 23+ hours of listening, it is my largest publication.
To gin up interest, I’ve set the price at $0.99 for the first few days of launch (It’s FREE for Kindle Unlimited Subscribers).

Check out what Readers Favorite calls “fresh, unique, and exhilarating.” and “packs a wallop from the first page of its prologue.”

EBook is Available exclusively on Amazon at these locations:


Hey Audiobook Listeners…

…use only ONE CREDIT to get three audiobooks in one!

Or, if you buy the eBook (for $0.99), you’ll get the audiobook on “Whispersync For Voice” for just $7.47 more (Retail = $29.95).


Published by ML Banner

ML Banner is a USA Today bestselling author of Apocalyptic Thrillers

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  1. JILL JENKINS says:

    I enjoyed your books – they are different to a lot of other apocalypse tales and not too much bad language!

    1. ML Banner says:

      Thanks Jill.
      Language to me is important. But if we’re being honest, many use profuse amounts of expletives. I try to portray my characters realistically, but still stick to a PG-13 rating.

  2. Andi says:

    ABSOLUTELY LOVED Final Outbreak. Best read in forever.
    The style.. the language.. bring it on. Want more 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

    1. ML Banner says:

      ABSOLUTELY appreciate your comments! Please-please post on Amazon/Goodreads.

      This story is definitely not over. Stay tuned.

      Thanks for reaching out and for reading my books.

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