My seventh book, HELL’S REQUIEM is now available on Amazon world-wide.
Readers in the US can find the eBook here:
Readers in the UK can find the eBook here:
This is my most favorite book so far, for a number of reasons, including I was able to take the added time to tell a story about one character: Tom Rogers (a hero from CICADA – Book #3 of the Stone Age Series). It was also unique in that I weaved in some of the lyrics (watch for a later post about the problems with using lyrics in books and what I did to make sure I complied with fair use copyright laws) and songs of my young adulthood–and Tom’s in the story–and how songs connect with our emotions and memories. All of this set in the Stone Age World, where constant solar storms are reeking havoc with the world.
I really hope you enjoy this as much as I enjoyed writing it. And please be sure to add your reviews to Amazon ( and Goodreads ( too.
By the way, the paperback version of this should be out in a few days. And Kevin Pierce (my narrator for this book) is scheduled to complete his work on the audio book in July, with a released around the end of July.