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Autographed Books


Autographed Paperback Books

(Updated June 28, 2018)

I still have way too many copies of my books in stock, from several book fairs.
So I’m still offering the following AUTOGRAPHED books at Book Festival prices…

$12 (including US shipping)

Regular Amazon price (not autographed) = $12.99 + Shipping!
There’s a limited number, so get your copy now.
When they’re


STONE AGE – Signed Paperback
$12.00 – Limited time only!
(Includes US shipping)




DESOLATION – Signed Paperback
$12.00 – Limited time only!
(Includes US shipping)




CICADA – Signed Paperback
$12.00 – Limited time only!
(Includes US shipping)




Highway – Signed Paperback
$12.00 – Limited time only!
(Includes US shipping)






ENDURANCE – Signed Paperback
$12.00 – Limited time only!
(Includes US shipping)




ANY TWO of the above paperbacks
$20.00 – Limited time only!
PLUS, I’ll throw in an ML Banner book tote
(Includes US shipping)